We drive digitalization and AI technology

As an innovative software start-up we want to reshape the world of technical purchasing and mechanical engineering.

Agile Projektplanung

Our goals


Our vision is to analyze every engineered component and assembly in the world with our AI in order to make the best possible puchasing decisions.


Our mission is to make unique, data-driven purchasing decisions to help make the manufacturing of components and assemblies more efficient.

Unser Netzwerk

Bearing Point

Verband Deutscher Maschinenbau- und Anlagenbau e.V.


Technische Hochschule Deggendorf

BME e.V.

Microsoft Azure

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Our Management Team

Know how in manufacturing technology meets fascination for digital innovations. We realize our idea of automated procurement of special parts with the help of the latest technologies in cloud computing, artificial intelligence and group technology.

  • Sebastian Freund

    Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer

    Between 2011 and 2019, I worked as manager in the sector of mechanical and automotive engineering. Manufacturing components were complicated to find and evaluate in the ERP system. This was, because drawing parts were insufficiently classified and there were no tools for similarity analysis. With PartSpace, I want to give companies the opportunity to use the latest AI technologies with very short implementation times to be able to manage their drawing parts efficiently in their ERP system.

  • Robert Hilmer

    Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

    Up to the founding of PartSpace, I was a manager in the area of maintenance planning of production facilities and CNC manufacturing. I noticed how inefficient and non-transparent the allocation of components and assemblies to the right suppliers is. This kind of waste was unacceptable to me. That is why we have been working successfully with our customers since 2018 to establish transparent and efficient data structures in purchasing departments. In this way, companies can make the best possible purchasing decisions and suppliers can specialize in the best possible way.

  • Michael Neuhauser

    Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer

    After three years of intensive research and development, we were able to launch PartSpace in 2021. With it, we want to provide customers with a secure AI environment that doesn’t require any special know-how on their side. We just need the technical drawings and step models, the rest of the magic is brought to the dataset by our experienced team. Together with our partners, we will continuously develop PartSpace and create more features for our customers.

  • Sebastian Freund

    Co-Founder and Chief Financial Officer

    Between 2011 and 2019, I worked as manager in the sector of mechanical and automotive engineering. Manufacturing components were complicated to find and evaluate in the ERP system. This was, because drawing parts were insufficiently classified and there were no tools for similarity analysis. With PartSpace, I want to give companies the opportunity to use the latest AI technologies with very short implementation times to be able to manage their drawing parts efficiently in their ERP system.

  • Robert Hilmer

    Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer

    Up to the founding of PartSpace, I was a manager in the area of maintenance planning of production facilities and CNC manufacturing. I noticed how inefficient and non-transparent the allocation of components and assemblies to the right suppliers is. This kind of waste was unacceptable to me. That is why we have been working successfully with our customers since 2018 to establish transparent and efficient data structures in purchasing departments. In this way, companies can make the best possible purchasing decisions and suppliers can specialize in the best possible way.

  • Michael Neuhauser

    Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer

    After three years of intensive research and development, we were able to launch PartSpace in 2021. With it, we want to provide customers with a secure AI environment that doesn’t require any special know-how on their side. We just need the technical drawings and step models, the rest of the magic is brought to the dataset by our experienced team. Together with our partners, we will continuously develop PartSpace and create more features for our customers.

Our Team

Deggendorf Coworking
KI Entwicklung
Kreativraum Deggendorf